The Wood Family
Coat of Arms
(Family Crest)
is there a coconut tree on the Wood family coat of arms?
Because our actual blood ties to the historical
Scottish "Wood" family is zero...zip...nada. The Patriarch of the current Wood
family is my father, Reginald Wood. But Dad was adopted at a young age. His
immediate blood line is actually traced to William Wallace Kawaiolema Kaaikaula of
Honolulu, Hawaii. Since the Hawaiian people didn’t have a great interest in
crests or coat of arms (steel armor never being very big among the
Koa, pu'ali),
I decided to alter the traditional Wood family crest and
replace the oak tree on the shield with a coconut tree.
It seemed appropriate somehow. The coconut tree has
great significance to the Hawaiian people. It provided
them with many of the raw materials they needed to survive
and thus it is aptly described by all Polynesian people as:
“The Tree of Life.” |